In this episode, Conor and Bryce record live from Italy while driving and chat how to implement a parallel std::unique.
In this episode, Conor and Bryce record live from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy while driving and chat about next year’s 2024 Nigeria Road Trip as well as Bryce’s near death experience. This episode is very light on the technical content (so feel free to skip).
In this episode, Conor and Bryce record live from Slovenia while driving and recap Hiša Franko, the Idrija Mercury Mines and the Postojna Caves as well as chat about some podcasts and the R programming language.
In this episode, Conor and Bryce record live from Slovenia while driving and review Lake Bled and Bled Cream Cake and solve one problem in Haskell, Rust and C++!
In this episode, Conor and Ben Deane record live from CppNorth 2023 in Toronto, Canada and interview more speakers and attendees from the conference!