ADSP: The Podcast is a programming podcast hosted by two NVIDIA software engineers that focuses on the C++ and Rust programming languages. Topics discussed include algorithms, data structures, programming languages, latest news in tech and more. The podcast was initially inspired by Magic Read Along. Feel free to follow us on Twitter at @adspthepodcast.
The two co-hosts are:
Bryce Adelstein Lelbach
Twitter: @blelbach
Bryce Adelstein Lelbach (he/him) has spent nearly a decade developing programming languages and software libraries. Bryce is passionate about programming language evolution and is one of the leaders of the C++ community. Bryce chairs INCITS PL22, the US standards committee for programming languages. He is also an officer of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21, the Standard C++ Committee. He chairs the C++ Library Design group (LEWG); previously he chaired the C++ Tooling group (SG15) and the Library Incubator group (SG18). On the C++ Committee, he has personally worked on parallel algorithms, coroutines, executors, futures, senders/receivers, multidimensional arrays, and modules. He is also the program chair for the C++Now and CppCon conferences, and the chief organizer of the Bay Area C++ User Group. Bryce works at NVIDIA, focusing on programming language design and evolution. He leads the CUDA C++ Core Libraries team and works on the NVIDIA HPC compiler. He is one of the initial developers of the HPX parallel runtime system. He also helped start the LLVMLinux initiative and has occasionally contributed to the Boost C++ libraries.
Conor Hoekstra
Twitter: @code_report
Conor (he/him) is a Research Scientist at NVIDIA working on array programming models and languages. He is extremely passionate about programming languages, algorithms and beautiful code. He is the founder and organizer of the Programming Languages Virtual Meetup, he has a YouTube channel and is the host of four podcasts:
- ADSP (this podcast)
- ArrayCast (a podcast about array languages)
- Tacit Talk (a podcast about array languages and tacit programming)
- RUN FOR THE FUN OF IT! (a running podcast)
Conor is also an avid conference speaker. You can find all of Conor’s conference talks and podcast appearances (on other podcasts) here.